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Rattan Chair Makeover

by - Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hello all!
Back to work after a lovely long weekend... I don't know about you but I'm already awaiting the next one!

For you today, I've got a wee makeover project. P and I have had some old, tired and very scruffy rattan garden chairs for rather a while, and it's safe to say, they're past it. We'd resorted to shoving them up the end of the patio in a heap as we didn't quite want to get rid of the only garden seating we had at the time. After a conversation about not wanting to dump them, my Aunt made a suggestion and suddenly I could see some potential in the tatty old rattans. So, in the spirit of upcycling, I decided to give them a makeover to brighten them, and perhaps our whole garden up.

So I started off by dry brushing them down to remove all dust, dead leaves and even a few spiders. I decided to leave all of the wayward bits of wood for now, as there was potential for a 'shabby chic' look once painted.

Next, I used Painter's Touch spray paint in 'Heirloom White' from Rustoleum to spray a thin base coat over the whole of each chair.

Then I left them to dry for about 15 mins (it looked like it was about to rain) and finished off with another, thicker coat.

I then let them dry completely overnight, underneath our awning. If you don't have an undercover outdoor space to store them in while they dry, I do recommend bringing them inside for the night.

NB: When you first go to use the chairs, just make sure that the paint you've used isn't going to rub off slightly... you don't want to sit in powdery paint. The one that I used worked fine for these and didn't rub off at all.

And there you have it!

Just a quick hour's work on a quiet afternoon has completely spruced them up, and two of them now sit on the back patio (above) where I like to have a cuppa on the weekend mornings.

I think these chairs would also hugely benefit from some homemade summery cushion pads, but I have yet to find some lovely fabric for them (and get my Singer working!)

Hope you've got some good plans for the weekend, be it lazing, busying, or simply in-betweening.

Much love,

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